Letter: I own guns. It's way past time to enact reasonable gun laws.

After yet another mass shooting at a school on March 27 in Tennessee ― the 129th so far this year ― it's high time for American gun owners to get t...

April 1, 2023
5:30 AM

After yet another mass shooting at a school on March 27 in Tennessee ― the 129th so far this year ― it's high time for American gun owners to get their priorities straight. All the hollow hopes and pathetic prayers proffered by delusional conservatives have had zero effect on reducing the carnage being inflicted on America's schoolchildren, but taking real action might infringe on their firearm fetish. These people are sociopaths. I own guns and I know how to use them, but I don't believe that more guns make us safer as a society, especially in a state like Utah, where virtually anyone can obtain a concealed carry permit without ever showing proficiency or even firing a single practice round.

David E. Jensen